Every Internet marketing guru will tell you that list buildingis the primary key to really making money on the net. But inorder to build your list…
You will need to have an autoresponder or use an autoresponderservice. This is not an optional item if you are truly seriousabout Internet Marketing. An autoresponder allows you to:
1. Put a form on your website that your visitors can use tosign-up for a newsletter, a free report or whatever you areoffering in order to capture that customer's email.
2. Automatically send follow-up offers by email to your list.You can set the number of days in between your email offers.Once your emails are loaded into your autoresponder, it does allthe work automatically.
3. Broadcast a special offer by email to everyone on your list.This is a separate function from the automatic emails sent on apredefined schedule.
You basically have two options in this area:
Option #1 - You can use an online autoresponder service. Of thedozens of emails we have signed up for from various onlinemarketers, the ones that use an online autoresponder servicetend to use Aweber.
There is certainly nothing wrong with using an onlineautoresponder service. However, you should be very aware of thecost involved. This sort of service can cost you $20 per month.
To put this in perspective, this is a very low price to pay tobe able build your list and automatically send your offers tocustomers who are on your email list. There is no installationinvolved and you can use the service almost immediately.
For more info:http://DumpTheJob.com/aw-fw8
Option #2 - You can use autoresponder software that is installedon your server that accomplishes the same function as the onlineautoresponder service.
Option #2 - You can use autoresponder software that is installedon your server that accomplishes the same function as the onlineautoresponder service.
The big advantage to having your own autoresponder softwareinstalled on your server is that you only pay a one time fee forthe software. Autoresponder software can cost anywhere from $20to several hundred dollars.
There are some downsides to having your own autorespondersoftware:
If you don't know how to install it, you might have to payextra for professional installation.
If you don't select the right autoresponder program in thebeginning, it may not have all the features you really need toset your email sales on autopilot.
If you choose a high end autoresponder program, they canhave so many features that they are difficult to use effectively.
I prefer having my own autoresponder software installed on ourservers. We have gone through a number of autorespondersoftware programs and the one we are using now is called MailPacks.
There are several reasons I really love this autorespondersoftware program!
Low cost - it's only $47.Installation is free (and quick too).
It is feature-rich, but really easy to use.
It has a built-in link tracker to help you track how many timeslinks in your emails are actually being clicked.
You get a ton of free bonuses, including a DHTML pop-up maker,the ebook "Million Dollar Emails" and a whole lot more!
This autoresponder software will easily handle up to 50,000emails - perfect for small to medium Internet businesses.
It has features that you won't find on more expensive autoresponderprograms, but it is super easy to use.
If you're not sure thisprogram is the right one for you, they have a demo of the
software so you can try it before you buy it.
software so you can try it before you buy it.
For more info:http://DumpTheJob.com/autoresponder-fw8List building doesn't have to be difficult if you have the righttools!
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