Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Internet Marketing Tip (1)

I got some online marketing tips from Internet . So I would like to share with all who visit my blog.
I will try to publish Internet Marketing Tip continuously.
List Building - A Critical Factor To Internet Marketing Success.
Do you have a means to capture a visitor's email address on yourwebsite? If you don't...
You are missing out on a ton of sales.
Even if you are marketing affiliate programs, you must provide away to get your visitor's email address. Otherwise...
You aren't able to contact those visitors again. And the realmoney in an internet business is in following up with people. Youalready know they are interested in what you are selling. Not onlyhave they come to your website, but they've given you their emailaddress to be able to contact them in the future. The researchfigures say it takes 7 times of contacting a prospect before theybuy.
Capturing a visitor's email address can be a relatively simple affair,provided you have these key items in place:
1. An autoresponder that can collect the email addresses for you and allow you to contact individuals that sign-up automatically. With most autoresponders, you can set them to redirect to a sales page upon sign-up, increasing your chances of a sale.
2. Offer a free product or report of value to your visitor for signingup. I like to offer a web-based or PDF report that provides valuableinformation AND includes at least one affiliate link.
Granted, it takes a little research to put together a free report ofvalue. But the pay off can be significant in the development of your contact list.
In the next tip, I will talk about autoresponder programs you may wish to consider that will help you build your contact list.

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